deliciously dutch! JENEVER - DUTCH GIN

One of the most iconic Dutch koekje is the stroopwafel. This deliciously Dutch treat can be found in any Dutch home, in every supermarket, and are freshly made on any Dutch markt! If you ever get to visit a Dutch markt, you have to go to the Stroopwafel bakker and try a freshly-made, still warm stroopwafel. Just delicious!


A stroopwafel is a round waffle koekje with ruitpatroon, made out of two thin koekjes held together by a laagje of caramel or siroop. A traditional stroopwafel has a 10cm diameter, however nowadays you can also find 5cm snack-sized and 25cm jumbo stroopwafels or even stroopwafels dipped in chocolate. Stroopwafels can also be found in ice cream, as a pepernoten flavour or as a stroopwafel cake.

This delicious koekje was first made in the Dutch cheese city of Gouda in the early 18th century. Allegedly bakkers were trying to use up the leftover deeg by adding siroop and turning them into cheap koekjes. During the 19th century, the stroopwafel was known as a “armenkoek” but now even the Dutch Queen Maxima eats stroopwafels! Today there are still around 20 stroopwafel bakers and fabrieken based in Gouda.


You may be thinking “what a weird question? I know how to eat food!”, but eating stroopwafels is an art, and should be enjoyed to the max!

The best stroopwafels are freshly made, but if you can’t visit a Dutch markt or make them yourself, then the next best thing is to make yourself a hot beker of coffee and put your stroopwafel on top of your beker. The heat of the drink will smelten the siroop and make it nearly like a freshly baked one! Just be careful that it doesn’t get too soft or it may fall into your drink!


Become a Jenever master by learning these Dutch words



Het borreltje The biscuit / cookie
De bakker The baker
Het laagje The thin layer
De siroop The syrup
Het ruitpatroon The cross-hatch pattern
Het deeg The dough
De armenkoek The biscuit for the poor
De fabriek The factory
De markt The market
De beker The mug
Smelten To melt


Stroopwafels are enjoyed best when freshly made and still warm. If you can’t go to the Netherlands and visit a Dutch market, then you could make your own!


Do you want to make your own stroopwafels? Then you will need the following ingredients



De bloem The flour
De boter The butter
Het ei The egg
Het snufje zout The pinch of salt
De kaneel The cinnamon
De basterdsuiker The brown sugar
De stroop The syrup